Monday, August 27, 2007

Weekend and week

The weekend whirled by leaving us with more to do and less time to do it. Praise God for helping us stay at the end of our rope.

Those of us who could attended the birthday party of one of the kids in the neighborhood. He's 13 now and insisted on sitting with the adults now that he was one of them. His parents were very grateful to us and made it clear that they viewed us as the guests they most wanted to attend.

We had an excellent ham and rice and beans and coleslaw-type-dish and biscuits and cinnamony carrots Lord's Day prepared by Brian and Laura and followed by sweet potato pie for dessert. It tasted very good. We then proceeded to the room designated, though not currently laid out like, the Library. We played Traffic Jam which is a game where you have to get the red car out of the parking lot without breaking any of the other cars in half. Jeannette and Brian played some piano too.

Sunday we had HH meeting about the common spaces in our houses and how to best organize them for our lives. Many subsequent discussions will trace their origins back to that one. Dan Dal Pra arrived on Saturday night and he and Ricky Thomas accompanied us to the volleyball court where some serious comebacks were staged and the side facing the street never lost.

Then we came home, showered, the women met about Genevieve's shower and the men went out on some missionary work. The shower is now in a much more organized state than it ever has been and we made some real progress in the neighborhood as well.

Breakfast this morning was buttermilk pancakes, hardboiled eggs, and assortment of fruits, and French pressed coffee. The Lord is afoot here, going to WDMO, the clinic, '34, and elsewhere.

1 comment:

Thomas said...

after a 4 month hiatus, it's great to read your life again. Thanks for doing this...and doing it so well.
your earthly father